Bottle Bag In Dusky Green

Bottle Bag In Dusky Green

Retailer: Route Unknown
£55.00 GBP at time of publication Buy from Route Unknown

Description from Route Unknown

Product Information
The 1L Bottle Bag is the first step towards building modularity into Route Unknown’s eco-system of proper useful gear. This bag works both as a standalone product using the provided crossbody shoulder strap with G-hook attachments, or attached to the undercarriage or cross body straps of the Sling Pack. It’s designed around the specifications of a 1 Litre Nalgene bottle, allowing you to carry 1L of water on your adventures.
Each bag is made to order, please allow for a 14 working day turnaround.
Bag capacity: 190mm x 90mm
Bottle not Included
Compatible with all V2 Sling Packs.
If purchasing for V1 Side Pack please add an order note that states “purchasing for V1 Side pack”. Your pack will need returning for stitch reinforcement free of charge and will be re-shipped to you with your bottle bag.

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£55.00 GBP at time of publication Buy from Route Unknown
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